Commercial Aquaponics: The Efficient Use of Resources

The profitability of commercial aquaponics is wholly dependent upon the utilization of resources. The question "what is aquaponics?" need to be well explained if a commercial purposed aquaponics is to be established. Aquaponics setup for commercial purpose vary in sizes, from the compact indoor or outdoor units to larger units. They all are based on the same technology. The system's sustainability ensures that the environment is not negatively affected. The Design of the system must be well structured because the basic technique behind the success of this system is maximization of less space. The creative use of available space to setup the system and yet providing a better result.

For a commercial setup of this system you should apply vertical aquaponics. The vertical aquaponics technique will greatly increase revenue per square foot. In order to earn more and save some costs and expenses, you may set it up near the market so that the supply may be easy for both consumers and sellers.

Through the constant water re-use and recycling, the system ensures hygienic vegetables at low costs per available resources. Through the efficient use of water in the system the required quantity to grow the same amount of fish and vegetables or fruits becomes much less than that required by traditional farming. The system uses about 98% less water than conventional food production methods. It usually produces more vegetables and crops compared with soil farming if the same amount of water is spent. It also reduces the amount of spacious land significantly, which is needed to grow the same quantity of crops in other food production systems.

The quantity of chemicals needed for production is also reduced through its efficient use. The most important and essential feature of this way of production is that no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are used at all. The organic fertilization of plants with fish emulsion in aquaponics play a pivotal role in eliminating the need of pesticides and other fertilizers which are needed in most method of food production. And the 75% less energy consumption makes this system more attractive for those who seek to spend less amount with greater efficiency.

In order to have a successful system integrating both (hydroponics and aquaculture) systems you must take necessary steps and work in a specified manner. If you spend more to establish the basic required structure, although your costs will be recovered with the passage of time. The system, once it's up, requires you to spend less on it and earn more from it.

Jonathan Dylan is a food production enthusiast. For more great tips on aquaponics commercial, visit



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