What are the Importance of Family Farming

Bangladesh is an agriculture based country. Agriculture is the key factor to run its economy. Farmers of this country maintain agricultural farm since the ancient period. Farmers produce crop, livestock, poultry and fish in their farms. The concept and importance of household agricultural farming have been discussed in this part.

Family Farming
Farmers in Bangladesh produce crop, vegetables, livestock, poultry and fish by family agricultural farming. Farm may be commercial or household according to its size. Commercial agricultural farm is further categorized into large, medium and small. Big capital and manpower are required for commercial farm. But small capital is required for household farm. Household agricultural farm sometimes can earn some extra incomes after meet up the family needs. Now-a-days farmers are planning to set up farm by considering earning a decent income from family agricultural farm. Generally, family members maintain the family agricultural farm.

Importance of Family Agricultural Farm

  1. It meets up the demand of food and nutrition.
  2. It plays role while guest received in a house.
  3. It creates employment for unemployed family members.
  4. It utilizes properly the leisure period of family members.
  5. It creates opportunity for extra income for a family.
  6. Fertility of agricultural land can be increased by livestock and poultry rearing.
  7. Crop residues and by products can be utilized properly by livestock and poultry rearing.
  8. Bio-gas can be produced by using livestock and poultry faces and this can be used as fuel.
  9. Household agricultural farm with proper planning helps to rise up the national economy.
  10. It improves farmer�s livelihood.

Family Vegetables Farm
Generally, the objective of family vegetables farming is to meet up the nutrition of household members. On the other hand, it plays an important role to improve household low income by producing agricultural products. This farm can be established around the homestead area, high and medium low land. If it is planned with the advice of the experienced farmers for cultivating seasonal crops, it can be possible to get crops round the year. It may also help to earn extra income after meet up the family needs. If it is cultivated advanced crops by household intensive care, high market price may be achieved. Now-a-days, any of the vegetables can be produced year round which can meet up everybody�s need. Vegetables can also be cultivated without applying chemical fertilizer and pesticides and in this way, safe and tasty vegetables can be grown.

Family Poultry Farm
Poultry means domestic birds such as chicken, duck, pigeon, guinea fowl, quail etc. Guinea fowl and quail are not so popular as they are not our native poultry. In this country, farmers have been rearing chicken, duck and pigeon in family poultry farm. Domestic poultry rearing is an integral part of farmer�s culture in this country. From the past, farmers have been rearing native breed of chicken, duck & pigeon in the farm. Generally, farmers rear 5-15 chicken and duck in their farms. In this traditional farm, there is no improved housing and feed management. Chicken and duck live on grains and insects getting from around the homestead area. In this way, family demand for meat and milk are met up and sometimes, extra incomes are earned by selling eggs and chickens in the market. Here, commercial matter is not considered. But now, this concept has been changed. Farmers rear improved types of chicken and duck in order to get 250 eggs per year as because of low egg and meat production of native chicken and duck. Farmers have also been rearing high meat producing broiler in the household farms.

In this household farm, improved types of broiler or layer or duck have been reared up to the 50-300 numbers. Those farmers, who cannot cultivate crops, or rear cattle, goat and fish due to shortage of land, they can easily establish a chicken-duck farm.
There should be training for maintaining a family poultry farm successfully. Especially, knowledge on poultry breed, housing, feeding, disease prevention and vaccination program is required.

Poultry Health Management
Health management means keeping healthy the poultry by disease prevention and treatment of sick birds. "Prevention is better than cure"- this is more applicable in case of poultry. Because, if disease arises in poultry farm, no profit will be achieved without treatment. So, following health management practices should be followed to maintain a household poultry farm.
  1. To start the farm with healthy birds.
  2. To set up the farm in flood free high land and to keep clean around the farmstead area.
  3. To spray disinfectant sometimes around the farmstead area.
  4. To make drain for proper drainage.
  5. To make fence around the farm if possible.
  6. To keep dry litter and floor of chicken house.
  7. To make house with east-west long.
  8. To facilitate proper ventilation.
  9. To keep feeder and drinker clean.
  10. To provide balanced ration and pure water.
  11. To follow separate vaccination program for broiler, layer and chicken.
  12. To keep worker�s body and dress clean.

All birds should be destroyed and buried if disease outbreaks in epidemic form. Advice should be taken from a Veterinarian for curing of disease.

Family Livestock Farm
Like poultry, livestock rearing is also the feature of family agricultural farming of this country. In case of domestic livestock in our country, cattle, goat, buffalo and sheep are among them. Family farms with cattle and goat are found everywhere in Bangladesh. But buffalo and sheep are not available everywhere. It is possible for rich farmers to rear cattle and buffalo. On the other hand, goat rearing is easy for poor and landless farmers. Family goat farming is profitable in Bangladesh. Because, market price of goat is very high due to its higher meat demand. Black Bengal goat reaches to puberty early. They give birth to 2-3 kids at a time. Male goat (buck) can be marketed at 8 months of age.

Our native cow gives 1.0-1.5 liter milk daily. So, from such a family dairy farm, our nutritional requirement can only be met up but no extra income can be earned. There is no chance for loss in family dairy farming due to lower milk supply than our requirement. Holstein Friesian and Jersey crossbred cow can give up to 15-20 liter of milk. That�s why; in Bangladesh, this type of improved crossbred cow should be reared in household farms. Many qualified young persons got success through making household farms with improved dairy breeds. In family farm, the number of cows may be of 2 to 5. If increase the cows� number, the farm is turned to a commercial farm and manpower should need to be recruited for proper management.
To maintain a family dairy farm successfully, training should be required. Especially knowledge on cattle breeds, production efficiency, housing, feeding, disease prevention and vaccination program is necessary.

Livestock Health Management
Health management means disease prevention and treatment of sick animals of a livestock farm. Disease prevention of animal should be emphasized rather than treatment. Because, if disease breaks out in farm, it will take more time to make animal productive after treatment. So, following health management practices should be followed to prevent disease during maintaining a livestock farm.
  1. To set up the farm in high land and to keep clean around the farmstead area.
  2. To control the entry of people.
  3. To spray disinfectant regularly in farmyard.
  4. To make drain for proper drainage.
  5. To make cattle house with east-west long.
  6. To facilitate proper ventilation.
  7. To protect predators.
  8. To keep feeder and drinker clean.
  9. To provide balanced diet and pure water.
  10. To wash animal.
  11. To follow separate vaccination program for cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep.
  12. To bury the dead animal.
  13. To take advice from Veterinarian for curing of disease.


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