What are the Various Breed in American Class

In American class there are 13 breed. These breeds are produced in America and as a result it is called as American class. This class was created by the cross breeding of small hardy hen from Mediterranean to large size Asian cock. In bellow the American class�s characteristics are given �

  • Its foot is bald.
  • Its earlobe is red color.
  • It was used for both egg and meat.
  • Its skin color is yellow.
  • Its eggshell color is brown.
  • It is in middle size.

Some of American class�s breed is given below

A. Plymouth Rock: It is a favorite breed in America. Because, in one hand it produce huge meet on the other hand it also produce huge number of meet. It has a trend of Eel. It was originated in the Plymouth city in America in 1865. It has also three varieties.

General characteristic of Plymouth

  • Its body is long and wide.
  • It has one Jhuti in their head.
  • Its earlobe is red color.
  • Its skin color is yellow.
  • Its eggshell color is brown.
  • It can produce 100-150 egg per year.
  • One adult cock is 4.3 k.g. and one adult hen is 3.4 k.g.

B. Rhode Island Red: This type of hen is very hardy. Those who are rear a little number of hen, they are like this types of hen. Though this type of hen is used for both meet and egg, it is popular for egg production. It was originated in the Rhode Island of America. It is 2 varieties. 

General Characteristics 

  • Its body is rectangle.
  • Its chest is long, deep and high in front.
  • Its earlobe is small and red color.
  • Its foot is bald.
  • Its skin color is yellow.
  • Its feather is read color.
  • Its eggshell color is brown.
  • It can produce 150-200 egg per year.
  • One adult cock is 3.9 k.g. and one adult hen is 2.9 k.g.

C. New Hampshire: This variety was created through the cross breeding of Rhode Island Red and other varieties. It has to be rearing for both egg and meat. It is also very hardy. It was originated in New Hampshire in America. It has no variety.

General Characteristics

  • It is fewer rectangles than Rhode Island Red.
  • It has one Jhuti in their head.
  • Its earlobe is red color.
  • Its foot is bald.
  • It has yellow skin color.
  • Its eggshell color is brown.
  • Its feather is red light copper color but its tail feather color is black.
  • It can produce 140-160 egg per year.
  • One adult cock is 3.9 k.g. and one adult hen is 2.9 k.g.


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