Effective Use Of The Free Gifts Of Nature

The use of the gunny bag cannot be overestimated in any way. This is with regards to the fact that the bags are created from entirely organic material. Like their close relatives, the jute bags, they are made from a tough and sturdy thread spun from vegetable and generally plant fibers. The fact that both types of bags are made from the same material, causes them to sometimes be referred to using the same name (jute) bags, despite their slight difference.

Gunny bag, attributed to the strength of the material used to create them are very strong. This facilitates the packaging of commercial products. They, unlike the more widely used polythene bags have the ability to hold within them contents of higher masses, this may even be up to three times the mass the average polythene paper is able to carry. Were it not for the fact that these are porous, the bags would probably be used to ferry products across seas.

Due to their porous nature, gunny bags could be used for an initiative known as sack farming. This could be employed more so within the regions those are scarce of land. It utilizes the bag that has already been utilized where the sack is filled with soil then split along the middle. After this, the soil is enriched with the appropriate nutrients to create a good enough environment for the plants. Just like the potted plants, the plants are then placed within this artificial garden then allow nature take its course. The follow up of procedures are the appropriate agricultural steps depending on the plants being grown. This method is advisable specifically for food crops required for the sustenance of the family and the spillover could be used for a small amount of income. The advantage of such use in this method is that it is reusable and in addition to this, the same is readily portable and as a result, it can be moved to a more appropriate location in case of any geographic or meteorological emergencies. This is an initiative that has borne fruit within the largest slum in East and Central Africa, namely Kibera.

The gunny bag is also used in construction of shanties. These are specifically used mainly by the less fortunate who due to one reason or another is not able to raise funds sufficient to purchase building materials hence they fortify their walls using gunny sacks. These however are usually mainly used on basis of recycled material. The cost of one new gunny bag is usually approximately 0.1$ in the same African countries.

In conclusion, gunny bag is advantageous to the well off as well as the less fortunate alike and as a result, this bag is limitlessly useful. The best part of this is the fact that gunny bag is bio degradable and hence eco friendly. Even if they are dumped they will be of use to future generations for their nutrients.

Gunny bag is made from jute fiber. Jute is considered the "Golden Fiber" of Bangladesh. It is natural, Bio-degradable and Eco-friendly. This bag can be made of food grade quality and non food grade quality. Food grade quality bag is used to pack coffee, cocoa or any seed that might be required to eliminate any odor. Whereas non food grade quality gunny bag is used to pack rice, wheat, sugar, etc. This bag can be used several times as they have a long life and after being used they can be recycled to the environment to increase the fertility of the soil.



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