Genealogy DNA: One Major Discovery for Solving Different Cases

In Genealogy DNA, testing is done using DNA to determine genetic relationship between two individuals. Deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated as DNA, has a unique nature and is passed on from generation to generation. But, in the process of passing down, some features remain unchanged and other change dramatically. Due to this, you can easily identify whether two persons are related to each other or not.

There are two types of DNA tests: Mitochondrial (mtDNA) and Y- chromosome.

Mitochondrial DNA is present in the cytoplasm of the cell. This type of DNA is passed on from mother and no mixing is done from the side of father's body so it is same as your mother's mtDNA. It is passed down to both male and female children. If the two persons have the same mtDNA, this means that they share the same maternal ancestor.

The Y-chromosomes are present in the nucleus of the cell. These chromosomes are passed on from father to son and are available only in males. The chemical markers in Y-chromosomes create a unique pattern called haplotype. It is used to determine the relationship between the two male individuals with the same surname. If the y-chromosome matches, means the two individuals, who have the same surname, share common ancestors.

In 2000 Bryan Skyes published a study on the subject of Genealogy DNA in which he used DNA (Y-chromosomes) to determine the relatedness between two individuals. In this study, experiment was done on 48 men with the surname of skyes. Four short Tandem repeats were done on Y-chromosomes: DYS19, DYS390, DYS391 and DYS393. The results found were amazing! Out of 48, 21 men had same core haplotype and the left over were just one step away. Bryan Skyes interpreted that these men originated from common ancestor who lived 700 years ago.

Actually DNA plays a very important role while solving the parental issues which usually end up in court. Using DNA Genealogy, you can easily determine the original parents of the child. This test is 100% accurate and no alterations or duplications can be done. You can also easily determine any genetic disease and find cure for it (if any).

Using DNA traces scientists can easily get an idea about the person's family history. But, he cannot discover the origin of languages, cultures and families. Numerous people and genetic family trees can be traced with the help of DNA Genealogy.

Today, in United States, there are 561 Indian tribes which are traced by DNA testing. People are becoming more and more interested in finding out about the tribe to which their family belongs. Some people prefer tests in laboratories while others do it at their home using home kits and send the samples to laboratories. Some people prefer testing just to check out any health related issue.

If you have any family issue or want to know about the child biological links, A DNA test is the thing that cannot be beaten. Genealogy DNA is the biggest discovery ever done and is used to solve different cases all over the world.

Miles O. Hopper

Do you want to find out your history using genealogy DNA? We cover Genealogy DNA, Family Tree DNA, Family Finder and Ancestry DNA.

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