Adaptation Mechanism in Livestock for the Perspective of Climate Change

Adaptation involves the technique to adapt of a species with its environment. It should be remembered that adaptation process is accomplished in animal body. Animal adaptation is controlled by environmental weather and climate. So, adaptation depends on environmental temperature, humidity, wind blowing and its properties, height of the place from the sea level and physical structure & physical condition of animal. Animal can survive by facing those properties of adaptation. It is the normal phenomenon of nature.

Although human being can protect them by their knowledge if suddenly massive climatic change occurs, but livestock and poultry cannot be adapted in that situation. Because livestock and poultry are helpless and gentle animal. Many of them are to be able to adapt with the environment if the climatic change is occurred slowly in that area. Many species may also be extinct due to unable to adapt with environment. People�s help is required for animal adaptation in unfavorable and adverse environment. More emphasis should be given for solving the problems of drought, flood and tsunami.

Techniques for Protection of Livestock in Drought

  1. Cultivation of different tree leaves including jackfruit, ipil-ipil, babla should be increased and their tree leaves should be fed to animals.
  2. Boiled rice liquid, kitchen waste, rice polish, wheat bran, pulse bran, oil cake, molasses should be given to the cattle in sufficient amount during drought.
  3. Vaccines of contagious disease should be given to livestock in regular basis.
  4. Supplemented feed of green grass (like- green algae) should be fed to cattle.
  5. Silage and hay should be prepared by grass before coming of drought season so that these can be provided livestock during drought season.
  6. Instead of providing only dry straw, urea treated straw and urea molasses block can be provided to cattle.
  7. Sufficient concentrated feed should be provided to cattle.
  8. Clean sufficient water should be provided.
  9. Washing of animals should be maintained.
  10. Animal�s body should be kept neat and clean and treatment should be done for parasites.
  11. Animal should be kept in shady place free from heavy sunlight.
  12. Treatment for sick animal should be carried out according to doctor�s suggestion.

Techniques for Protection of Livestock in Flood Related Problems

  1. Animal should be kept as high and dry place as possible.
  2. Clean water should be provided to livestock and polluted water of flood cannot be provided to them.
  3. Dead body of livestock should be buried.
  4. During flood, straw, rice polish, bran and oil cake should be supplied to cattle as feed.
  5. Water hyacinth, dal grass, herb-shurb, even banana tree may also be provided to cattle in that time.
  6. Hay and silage can be provided as the replacement of green grass.
  7. Various varieties of grass seed can be spread on fallow land after going down of flood water.
  8. Vaccines for contagious diseases have to be applied and deworming medicines can be provided.
  9. Treatment is to be provided to infected animal according to doctor�s advice.

Techniques for Protecting Livestock for Facing Tidal Waves Related Problem
Sea tidal waves in coastal area are a big natural disaster. It may damage the livestock to a great extent by hitting on sea-coastal area in any time of the year. Wide range of sea-coastal area and islands of our country are affected by the tidal waves. So, following works should be carried out to protect livestock devouring from tidal waves.

  1. Housing for livestock should be made in high land.
  2. Livestock are kept in high shelter immediately after getting signal of tsunami or storm.
  3. Dead animals are to be buried after tsunami.
  4. In that time, boiled rice liquid, rice gruel, dry straw and concentrated feed can be provided to livestock.
  5. Concentrated feed like bran, rice polish, oil cake and required amount of salt need to be provided to livestock.
  6. Various tree leaves can be provided to cattle in place of green grass.
  7. Treatment of animal should be carried out by making team in the tsunami affected area.
  8. Vaccines for contagious disease are to be provided to cattle regularly.
  9. Care should be taken so that livestock animals may not be affected by disease after taking polluted water.


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