What are the Effects of Climate Change on Livestock and Poultry

Effect of Climate Change on Livestock and PoultryGlobal temperature and destruction of environment caused by human being is one of the reasons for climate change. Our country is regularly affected by different natural disasters. The disasters are attacking on different countries regularly due to climatic change. Livestock and poultry are greatly affected by various natural disasters like heavy tsunami, sea cyclone, tornado, flood and drought. For this reason, farm owner or farmers do not get economic benefit. For recovering this loss in some extent, several steps should be taken during and after the disaster. Considering the fact of natural disaster in Bangladesh, protection and awareness should be raised up against sea cyclone, tornado, flood, drought, mountain rain, excessive rainfall etc. By this time, sal forest of Barendra region, Patnitola and Najipur forest of Rajshahi have beenextinct. As a result, extreme drought occurs in this region. Except reestablishment of those forest areas, law of environment should be activated immediately for planning for coastal forestation, extension of forestation of uncategorized forest area in Chittagong hill tracts, rescue and re-dredging of country rivers and canals and protection of all kinds of hills. Along with social forestation in our country, trees should be planted in a wide range. These are long term permanent system. If steps are taken for implementation of these matters, our country, therefore, livestock can be protected from natural disaster caused by climate change. Various ways of problem evaluation of livestock caused by climate change are described below:

Drought Related Problem: Problems which are observed during drought

  1. Scarcity of green grass.
  2. Water is polluted.
  3. Cattle's suffer from malnutrition.
  4. Cattle's are affected by different diseases.
  5. Dryness of field grasses.
  6. External parasitic infection increases on the animal body surface.
  7. Excessive heat creates intolerable situation for birds.
  8. Reducing the health condition including chances of death.
  9. Heat stress causes death of broiler and layer.

Flood Related Problem: The problems which are observed during flooding

  1. Water logging is created.
  2. Maximum areas of country go under water.
  3. Disease outbreaks.
  4. Cattle feed is not available.
  5. Water is polluted.
  6. Problem in maintaining livestock is created.
  7. Cattle's suffer from malnutrition.
  8. Infestation of different infectious disease and attack of worms are increased.
  9. Toxicity generates in grasses, cattle become sick.
  10. Environment becomes unhygienic, many animals die.

Problem Related to Tidal Wave: The problems which are observed during tidal wave-

  1. Water is polluted in tidal wave affected area.
  2. Many livestock and animals die immediately after tidal wave and storm.
  3. Dead birds pollute environment in want of burial.
  4. Scarcity of animal feed occurs.
  5. Animal death occurs due to affection of diarrhoea, stomach illness, bloating etc.


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