Agricultural blogs is used gather together news and information, Agricultural News and advice, resources and ideas about the good agriculture and farm.
Bangladesh is an agriculture based country. Agriculture is the key factor to run its economy. Farmers of this country maintain agricultural farm since the ancient period. Farmers produce crop, livestock, poultry and fish in their farms. The concept and importance of household agricultural farming have been discussed in this part. Family Farming Farmers in Bangladesh produce crop, vegetables, livestock, poultry and fish by family agricultural farming. Farm may be commercial or household according to its size. Commercial agricultural farm is further categorized into large, medium and small. Big capital and manpower are required for commercial farm. But small capital is required for household farm. Household agricultural farm sometimes can earn some extra incomes after meet up the family needs. Now-a-days farmers are planning to set up farm by considering earning a decent income from family agricultural farm. Generally, family members maintain the family agricultural farm. Importance of F...
In American class there are 13 breed. These breeds are produced in America and as a result it is called as American class. This class was created by the cross breeding of small hardy hen from Mediterranean to large size Asian cock. In bellow the American class�s characteristics are given � Its foot is bald. Its earlobe is red color. It was used for both egg and meat. Its skin color is yellow. Its eggshell color is brown. It is in middle size. Some of American class�s breed is given below A. Plymouth Rock: It is a favorite breed in America. Because, in one hand it produce huge meet on the other hand it also produce huge number of meet. It has a trend of Eel. It was originated in the Plymouth city in America in 1865. It has also three varieties. General characteristic of Plymouth Its body is long and wide. It has one Jhuti in their head. Its earlobe is red color. Its skin color is yellow. Its eggshell color is brown. It can produce 100-150 egg per year. One adult cock is 4.3 k.g. and on...
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