
Showing posts from July, 2012

Aquaponics - As a Hobby and As a Business

Any plans to build your own Aquaponics? Is it for a hobby, leisure or for business? A lot of people have tried... and succeeded in this field, who knows you might be the next, right? Aquaponics is a pretty simple hobby you can start with. If you are familiar with Aquaculture which involves taking care of aquatic animals like fish, prawns, and the likes, and Hydroponics which includes growing plants with water, then the combination of these two famous terms when combined turns out to be Aquaponics. It uses the concepts of Mutualism and Symbiosis. The effluent of one serves beneficial for the other and vice versa - specifically, the wastes of the fish act as nutrients mixed with water that shows to be a fertilizer for plants. Everything starts one step at a time. You need some plans before diving into Aquaponics. Doing it as a hobby first is better so you can get a hold of the do's and dont's based from experience. Nevertheless, here are some tips you can live from and later on ...

Cereal Crops and A Bale Out

Wheat is the world's most important crop and apart from bread it has many hundreds of other uses. Growing wheat in Britain is easy as the climate and soil are well suited. After beef and sheep farms which are the two most common types of farming in England the production of cereal is the next biggest with wheat being the most popular by volume. The origins of wheat go back many thousands of years to the early examples of production in Mesopotamia. Like so many other things it is to this region of the near Middle East that the first example of bread-making is discovered. Wheat is one of the earliest examples of exported goods from the UK and precedes the Roman times. Even today a large percentage of production is exported. Wheat is used in bread, biscuits and countless other processed foodstuffs that include many items on the supermarket shelves. The seed consists of three parts and whole grain bread uses all of them. They consist of an outer husk called the bran and two other part...

A Quick Guide On Purchasing Used Agricultural Equipment

Increase in the cost of machinery used for farming purposes is said to be one of the factors that affect good production of food. Growers are usually unable to purchase the right tools that can help them plow their lands and produce their desired crops due to the tight competition in the industry and decreased profits from their harvest. With such a scenario, opting for used agricultural equipment could be of help. However, this can come with risks. It is important then that this decision be acted upon with the right knowledge. Purchasing machines for planting and harvesting is a form of investment. This shows that every purchase must be preceded by a thorough evaluation of your farming needs. With this, you will be able to choose the appropriate device that can make profits come your way. Besides the typical tractors, there are other mechanical pieces which help farmers nowadays in so many ways. These are cultivators, harvesters,mole ploughs, mowers, plows, seed drills, sprayers, top...

Aronia Planting Guide Part VI - Pruning, Pest, Landscaping, Harvesting, and Yields

Pruning After establishment, the oldest stems should be pruned to ground in late dormant season. Restrict bush height & increase bushiness by cutting back upright stems. After berries have dropped or been harvested prune to shape the plant. Pruning the Aronia plants while the plants are young will also encourage branching. The best time to prune is in the late winter or spring before growth starts. By pruning in the early spring just before growth starts. This means there is only a short time before new growth begins and for the wound sealing process to take place. It does not seriously harm plants in the long run to cut plants back so that they may produce a dense growth of new shoots This is called "pollarding". As the plants grow larger prune to thin the plant so all parts of the plant receive sunlight. Pest Japanese beetles and other insect pests generally will leave the aronia plants alone. Blueberry Croft farm and nursery has not had problems with Japanese beetles....

Commercial Aquaponics: The Efficient Use of Resources

The profitability of commercial aquaponics is wholly dependent upon the utilization of resources. The question "what is aquaponics?" need to be well explained if a commercial purposed aquaponics is to be established. Aquaponics setup for commercial purpose vary in sizes, from the compact indoor or outdoor units to larger units. They all are based on the same technology. The system's sustainability ensures that the environment is not negatively affected. The Design of the system must be well structured because the basic technique behind the success of this system is maximization of less space. The creative use of available space to setup the system and yet providing a better result. For a commercial setup of this system you should apply vertical aquaponics. The vertical aquaponics technique will greatly increase revenue per square foot. In order to earn more and save some costs and expenses, you may set it up near the market so that the supply may be easy for both consume...

Advantages of Using Fertilizers

We would have all heard about fertilizers and would know what their application is. Many of us would have probably used a fertilizer in our garden before. So why are fertilizers so essential in farming or plant growth? Before we discuss their importance or how beneficial they are, let's first learn what fertilizers are. They are substances that are made up of chemical compounds that are known to improve the growth of plants. Some soil may be lacking a certain nutrient thus using fertilizers is a way to add those missing nutrients to the soil for healthy growth of the plant. They also contain chemicals that can tolerate harsh weathers, develop a strong immune system to resist attacks by insects and pests. In Farming Fertilizers used in farming offer many advantages to farmers. With the growing demands of the expanding population of the world, farmers have to ensure that they can produce quality crops to stay competitive in their business. However, managing big farms is totally diff...

Aronia Planting Guide Part III - Planting Methods, When to Plant, Plant Spacing and Row Spacing

Planting ideas With poor soils it is recommended to prepare planting holes for each plant by adding composted manure, composed leaves, peat moss, pine bark fines or other compost into the planting hole. When planting gently remove the plant from its container, keeping the root ball intact. Then carefully loosen the roots in the potting soil and around bottom and edges of root ball so the roots are free to grow out into the surrounding soil. Planting Methods Shovel Bulb planter Auger (a power auger making a 12 to 14 inch hole that can be filled with compost or other material can help where the soil is poor.) Tree planter (on the right:tree planter in action) Of these methods the tree planter has been shown to be the fastest and easiest in soil with good drainage. Good drainage is essential so the drainage of the soil needs to be checked before planting. Poor drainage is one of the primary problems when growing plants. In soil with poor drainage raised beds should be used. Raised bed m...

Business Card for Agriculture

Increase your Visibility with Powerful and Effective Marketing Tools If you are a company within the farming sector, chances are you are finding it difficult to get by in this time of economic turmoil. People are constantly looking for the best available deal and ways to save money. Every week the news is full of stories of yet more companies that have had to call in the receivers. Times are tough for most sectors and finding and keeping new customers is essential for you to survive these choppy waters. One of the first things to do is to think about the creation of a business card for agriculture to give potential customers vital information about what your company is about. This business card for agriculture can help customers quickly establish what it is that you do within this area of industry. Up the Stakes and Give Your Farm Maximum Visibility Not all is lost; there are things you can do to give exposure to your farm. With inspirational marketing, you can help your company gain ...

Aronia Berry Juice Health Benefits

INTRODUCTION Pucker up and prepare to experience the benefits of the tart Aronia Berry. The term "super food" gets used a lot, but when it comes to these berries and their juice health benefits, the term is well-deserved. These berries are a genuine miracle of nature. Aronia is a low-maintenance and nearly a pest-free crop. It is easy to grow the aronia plant organically because it does not need to be protected against pathogens, pest, and diseases, as a result the fruit does not contain traces of pesticides. They are 3 times healthier than blueberries. The unique taste of the berry is one of life's unique experiences. Their high antioxidant levels, and high tannin levels make these berries tart. The berries are often made into juice mixed with other juice or made into jelly or other products. Another juice or sweetener is often added to reduce the tart taste THIS JUICE IS AN ANTIOXIDANT LEADER First the berry juice is a leading source of antioxidants . Antioxidants as y...

Aquaponics Designs

Aquaponics by definition is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. The beauty of Aquaponics is that in the combining of the two they equal out the negative aspects in each of them. In other words, the sum of the two when combined is greater than the sum of the two individuals. Nutrient rich fish water is pumped from the fish tank into gravel beds, where plants growing in the gravel extract the nutrients from the water. The water then drains back into the fish tank cleaned of excess nutrients and freshly oxygenated. Imagine, your own permanent supply of fresh herbs, vegetables and fresh fish growing right on your back patio, enough to feed the whole family. With no chemicals and no wastes, using about one tenth of the water required for normal vegetable growing. This may all sound a little too good to be true and you might be wondering where's the catch, but there isn't one! Aquaponics is a sustainable food manufacturing system that amalgamates aquaculture (raising fis...

Big Yields From a Small Aquaponic System

Most designs of aquaponics have hobbyists in mind and are therefore small and inexpensive to build. But a small aquaponic system in your backyard can mean big fun and profit for those who undertake it. A small aquaponic system provides a steady supply of healthier foods and considerable savings. The fish and vegetables you grow in a small aquaponic system are healthier because it involves organic production. That means you are assured of clean foodstuff untainted by chemicals that farms and food dealers use as a matter of course to preserve and fortify their produce. Here are some of the fish species that you can grow in the hydroponic component of your aquaponic system: � From Australia - Murray Cod, Barramundi, Silver Perch, Golden Perch, Jade Perch, Australian Catfish species, Sleepy Cod � From Europe - Brown Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Redfin, Perch � North America - Rainbow Trout, Catfish, Chinook Salmon � Global species - Tilapia or carp � Asian species - Grass Carp, Silver Carp � O...

Crop Protection Market Analysis - Chemicals, Seeds and Genetically Modified Crops

The global market for crop protection consists of crop protection chemicals, seeds, and genetically modified crops. Crop protection chemical is the most important and dominating segments of this market in terms of market share and product innovation. This market is further divided into following segments: PesticidesBio-PesticidesMicro NutrientsAdjuvant Amongst these segments, micro nutrients, bio-pesticides, and adjuvant are used in minimum quantities and constitutes a minor share in this market and as a result, crop protection market is normally referred to as pesticides market. This market is expected to witness remarkable growth in near future as a result of government initiatives to support and increase agricultural production to meet the food requirements of growing population. Asian market, being the highest importer of food, will be the largest consumer and present suitable ground for crop protection products. Pesticides Market Pesticides market is further segmented into synthe...

Aronia Planting Guide Part IV - Inter-Row Cropping

Inter-row Cropping Bale Crops An alfalfa crop growing between two-year old aronia bushes at with plant spacing's of 30 inches and the row spacing is 15 feet provides up to a $500/acre income source during the time required for the plants to mature. Alfalfa is an important perennial rotation crop that adds nitrogen to soil and improves soil. Alfalfa has an average life span ranges from 5 to 25 years although one field in New York has been mown successfully for more than 60 years. Organically grown alfalfa is a popular fodder to raise healthy, strong animals and it can also help raise strong, healthy and long-lived human beings. Alfalfa is an Arabic name meaning 'good fodder and it is considered to be one of the best fodders. Some people use alfalfa as a herb for making tea and claim great benefits from its use. They sometimes call alfalfa the miracle herb.Add a teaspoonful or two of alfalfa seed to your aronia berry juice for an even more healthy drink. It is like adding liquid...

Aquaponics for Personal Hobby and Commercial Use

Farms, fish ponds, and even resorts tend to be a favorite business in rural areas. This is basically because of the presence of large space and good environment. However for cities, and urban areas, most people tend to have a problem of limited area and pollution. Is there an alternative way, or a hobby that can be worked on amidst of these limitations? Definitely, yes - using Aquaponics. Aquaponics uses both Hydroponics (taking care of plants), and Aquaculture(taking care of aquatic animals), and combines them onto a beneficial symbiotic setup which is sustainable and easy to maintain. Some people treat it as a hobby, but most use Aquaponics for Commercial purposes - especially for business. Before you jump into building your own, you must first understand that it is a very easy system you can work on your free time. It can be build in your backyard or lawn area. There are three styles you can choose from - (a) Media Filled Beds - which uses media like clay or soil. It absorbs water ...

Aronia Planting Guide Part II - Fertilizer, Nutrients, Mulch and Compost

Fertilizer and Nutrients Applying the right fertilizers at the right time can increase growth and yields. Professional advice should be used to determine the type and amount of fertilizing to use. Fertilized and watered black aronia plant seedlings are easy to grow. A slow release fertilizer such as 0.3 lb/plant (or 3/4 cup /plant) of 1.7N-4.1P-12K or 14N-12P-14K 5-6 month slow release fertilizer is required to ensure the long-term survival and substantial growth of the plants. Apply fertilizer at leaf break in the spring. A second application can be made later during the summer. To promote growth of the roots out into native soil, scatter the fertilizer in a wide, circular-shaped band around the plant on each side of the edge of the drip line and water it and mulch well. At some farms 14-12-14 5-6 month fertilizer is used for growing plants in the field. This is a granular slow release fertilizer. Be careful when fertilizing the plants as over fertilizing can kill the plants. If usin...

Aronia Planting Guide Part V - Drip Irrigation, Precipitation

Irrigate Efficiently Using Drip Irrigation The annual demand by aronia plants for water is reported to be 32 inches of rain or more spread evenly throughout the year. (I must say this seems a little low to me). An efficient irrigation system may be a necessary requirement. The sprinkler is generally an inefficient system. Sprinklers can deliver a large amount of water in a short period but at the same time large amounts of moisture is lost due to evaporation. Sprinklers however may be the ideal choice for watering when establishing alfalfa. Alfalfa is relatively drought tolerant, but its growth does depend on the availability of soil water. If there is little or no irrigation water, annual yields will be low. Sprinkling can help serve as frost/freeze protection for vineyards during bud break and early shoot development in an occasional early spring frost to save a crop but is generally not cost-effective. The cost of materials, installation, and development of a pond or other water re...

Aquaponics System for Beginners

Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that everyone can try. It can both serve as a hobby, and later on be a business that will surely generate money. Before dwelling on further details, what is really the definition of Aquaponics? Is it something that is too complex to learn by average person? The answer is definitely, YES. It is defined as a system that combines aquaculture (refers to raising of aquatic animals, - fish, prawns, crayfish inside aquariums or tanks), and Hydroponics (pertains to cultivating plants in water). Overall, if you combine these 2 words, you get an idea of plants and aquatic animals living in a symbiotic relationship, or in a re-circulating system, the effluents of one area, will be beneficial for the other and vice versa. So, how can you make your own Aquaponics System? One thing that you must understand here, is that most of its components are man-made. Therefore it greatly depends on the design, construction, and maintenance of people. First, l...

Backyard Aquaponics How To: 5 Tips to Get You Started

To have and run a successful aquaponics system in your backyard you must be abreast with current information on aquaponics how tos. There are lots of aquaponics plans for a backyard aquaponics set up. Be certain you have the nitty-gritty you need to get you started on the road to owning a successful aquaponics. Tip 1. Location! Location!! Location!!! This is not just a slogan for the importance of real estate anymore. The location of your aquaponics aquarium is one of the most important components to be addressed properly in order for your system to flourish. Because aquaponics combines two biological systems, it is necessary to choose a location that is beneficial to both. For this reason choose an area that is rich with sunlight, providing plenty of light for your plants to grow. It is also important to make certain that there are no chemicals close by and avoid extreme weather; making certain it is neither too hot nor too cold. Tip 2. Oxygenate the Water This is the life gas of all...

Aquaponics As a Great Way to Produce Food

It has always been a challenge to develop sustainable food sources in order to meet the needs of a growing population. Fresh water is not readily available in urban areas and so is land and other resources needed to produce food. One solution to this problem is aquaponics and especially in its scaled down form, which can be practiced in one's backyard. Aquaponics is a technology that combines the cultivation of fish, which is known as aquaculture with the water-based cultivation of plants, which is referred to as hydroponics. It allows the efficient production of fish and vegetables since its basis is the symbiotic, a relationship between plants and fish. Aquaponics allows people to raise plants and fish together in natural balance. When the two are combined, they equal out their negative aspects. How aquaponics works? In an aquaponic system, the fish live in a pond and their waste provides nutrients for plants. The plants, on the other hand filter the water in the pond. The plant...

Cryptomeria Yoshino Ball and Burlap Planting - Part 1 - Unloading the Tractor Trailer

Nellie Stevens Holly ball and burlap (B&B) trees move with great success. We want to cover; the best way to unload the truck, equipment selection, advantages of pre-digging the holes, and exactly how to place and straighten the trees without distressing the root-ball to trunk connection, and the best use of your planting team. Treat the Trucker Right! Nellie Stevens Holly ball and burlap trees will arrive on a flat bed truck. Standard trucking practice will allow a two hour window for unloading, after which the customer will pay the trucker $100 per hour for additional time needed. This is paid in cash directly to the trucker. Usually the trucker will cut the twine that is holding the tarp in place, but help him out when it is time to pull the tarp off the trees, and do help him with throwing it back onto the trailer after unloading, especially if it is wet. Taking the Trees Off the Truck I have a short 7' piece of 3/8 chain I made up, and attached a hook on each end. Drape th...

Aquaponics 4 You - A Sustainable Food Source For Your Home Or Business

Aquaponics 4 You is a methodology of empowering the average person to create and run their own sustainable, organic food production system by utilising a self-sustaining natural cycle involving plants and fish. Aquaponics teaches us there is an eco-friendly solution to the mainstream farming techniques both in agriculture and aquaculture, which both use large amounts of land, power and water. As human encroachment reduces still further the undeveloped parts of the world and destroys the rainforests, we need to start adopting efficient strategies to reverse this trend. Aquaponics is a cross between Aquaculture and Hydroponics, which is the intensive rearing of fish for food stocks and the growth of plants in closed water systems. The two systems combine by creating a relationship between the fish and the plants. Fish are reared in a tank and their excretions in the form of solid waste sinks to the bottom of the tank. Here it sits in the gaps between the stones/gravel/sand and the proce...

Watering Tomatoes, Growing Tomatoes, Watering Tomato Plants

The best tips for watering tomatoes in container gardens, or when backyard vegetable gardening. Learn when and how to water tomato plants for best results. There are differing opinions among gardeners about watering tomatoes while the plants are still in containers or flats before they are transplanted to the garden. Some gardening experts claim that the tomato plants should be allowed to dry so the roots will begin to stretch seeking moisture and become better established. On the other hand, it is the viewpoint of others that the seedlings should be kept quite moist to reduce transplant shock and to help retain the soil surrounding the roots. To find a happy medium, follow the sound advice to "puddle the plants in" as the wise old timers say. This means as soon as you set out your plants, water well enough to create puddles. As the season continues, when watering tomatoes, less is more! That's right! Less water will encourage the tomato plant to be more productive with f...

Watering Tomato Plants, How to Water Tomatoes, Watering Tomatoes

The best tips for watering tomato plants growing in containers or backyard vegetable gardens. Learn how much and how frequently to water when planting tomato plants in the garden. Design Your Own Vegetable Garden Layout Using our Free "Vegetable Garden Planner" Software! When and how much to water are two big questions for beginning gardeners. Watering tomato plants sufficiently is important because they grow in full sun and use and lose more water than plants grown in the shade. Tomatoes need plenty of water especially during the early growth, flowering, and setting fruit cycle, because they grow fast. Make certain to water the soil before it dries out. Download Free Garden Planning Worksheets, Garden Diary, Zone Chart, Or Planting Guide Using rainwater is typically recommended as the healthiest technique when watering tomato plants. You can also use tap water or follow traditional recycling practices. In the olden days, gardeners caught rainwater in water barrels and tubs ...

Avocado - The Super Fruit

The Avocado is a super fruit amongst the best for its high nutritional values. This humble fruit can even beat out the apple for keeping the doctor away as a mid-sized Avocado is packed with approximately 300 nutrient packed calories and each contains vitamins K, D, C, E and B, as well a vast array of both primary and trace minerals. A single tree can produce up to 600 Avocado's each year so an Avocado a day would be easily achievable. The average Avocado also contains 81 micrograms of lutein, which helps with eye health and because of its mono and polyunsaturated fats. The Avocado is a healthy substitute for foods rich in saturated fats. Being the fruit which holds the highest protein content than any other fruit the Avocado can be extremely beneficial to anyone at any age. The Avocado is also endorsed by the Heart Foundation as a healthy food option. The Avocado originates from central and south America and is also known as the Alligator Pear for its Alligator skin texture and p...

Functions and Uses of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

The polymerase chain reaction is a process of increasing or enlarging extremely small amounts of DNA so that they can be seen or can be used in various scientific processes. PCR is generally used in various branches of biology, food science, and forensic science, environmental science and many more. There are several techniques used in medical and biological research, which includes diagnosis of hereditary diseases, identification of fingerprints, and to detect infectious diseases. DNA forensics relies heavily on PCR. PCR is considered as one of the most suitable DNA testing methods. This is basically used to classify the DNA of a person by using extremely small samples. How is this possible? This is possible because the device will increase the size of DNA that will somehow be visible to the eyes of the person performing the tests. This process is perfect for legal investigations and crimes. This is because there are fewer samples and other techniques would not be able to detect DNA ...