Big Yields From a Small Aquaponic System

Most designs of aquaponics have hobbyists in mind and are therefore small and inexpensive to build. But a small aquaponic system in your backyard can mean big fun and profit for those who undertake it. A small aquaponic system provides a steady supply of healthier foods and considerable savings.

The fish and vegetables you grow in a small aquaponic system are healthier because it involves organic production. That means you are assured of clean foodstuff untainted by chemicals that farms and food dealers use as a matter of course to preserve and fortify their produce.

Here are some of the fish species that you can grow in the hydroponic component of your aquaponic system:

� From Australia - Murray Cod, Barramundi, Silver Perch, Golden Perch, Jade Perch, Australian Catfish species, Sleepy Cod
� From Europe - Brown Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Redfin, Perch
� North America - Rainbow Trout, Catfish, Chinook Salmon
� Global species - Tilapia or carp
� Asian species - Grass Carp, Silver Carp
� Ornamental species - Gold Fish, Koi Carp

An aquaponic system is also ideal for a vast variety of plant species. These plants include:

� Culinary Herbs - Italian Basil, Purple Basil, Thai Basil, Cilantro (Coriander), Chervil, Italian Parsley, Chives, Lemon Grass, Mint, Dill, Watercress
� Culinary Salad - Greens and Lettuces: Romaine (COS), Butter heads, Oaks, Mache, Rockets, Ice Bergs, Mezunas, Endives, Lollo Rossas, Salad Bowl, Lollo Biondas, Bibbs, Mescluns, Mignonettes, Witloofs, Radicchios, Kales, Spinach
� Asian Greens - Pak Choi, Bok Choi, Tatsoi, Chinese Cabbage, Amaranth, Pei Tsai, Pak Choy, Choy Sum, Yu Choy

When you build your aquaponic system, you will need the fish rearing component, the filtering component (both solids removal and biofiltration) and the plant growing component. The fish component is no different from a standard re-circulating aquaculture system. It is made up of a tank, a filtering component for removal of solid waste and a biological filtering component.

The biofiltering compartment is critical to an aquaponic system because this contains the most important biological entity of the system: Bacteria. Whilst fish and plants provide the potential revenue or food sources grown in aquaponics, the bacteria are the work horses of the system. They allow harmful fish metabolite products to be converted to harmless waste nutrients that may be used by the plants. This process is important because many fish species are sensitive to toxins. A good and efficient biofilter will run your aquaponic system more efficiently.

As for the plant growth component, there are several feasible approaches. If you're into it as a hobby, you can use gravel beds. The gravel bed of your hydroponic component will act as the biofilter of your system and even as the filter for solids if done well. All you need to do is make sure that the solids don't build up and clog the gravel bed. If this happens, the gravel bed will lose its oxygen supply and collect bacteria. This bacteria may then radiate toxins into the system which can kill your fish.

Orlando I. M. is an aquaponics expert. For more great information on fish aquaponics, visit



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