Aquaponics: Choosing the Right Fish

Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system which combines Aquaculture and Hydroponics- therefore forming a mutual relationship where the effluent, nutrient-rich water from the animals, are flowed to plants which serves as fertilizer. The effluents just re-circulate in the system that serves beneficial for the 2 main components: fish and plants.

Before knowing the right fish and plants to use, you must also be able to understand the 3 styles - because it also affects the Aquaponics fish and plants that are suitable for the setup.

The first style is the media filled beds. This is the simplest among the three, and is best likely to be used by beginners. It has container with expanded clay or the like which absorbs the water from the fish tanks above it. It can be done via a continuous water flow system, where water flows through rocks or via draining the grow bed via a flow cycle.

The second style, Nutrient Film Technique or NFT. For this type, nutrient filled water is pumped down very thin tubes down onto the plant gutters (which is usually a film). The plants are situated in a cup like area, so every time water flows into the gutter, water is being retained in the cups, giving nutrients to the plants. This is mostly used for green, leafy vegetables, since they can grow in this setup, without needing a foundation for their roots to hold on. Other plants that have large and branching roots cannot be used for this type, since there is literally no media or soil where in they can expand and grow.

The last type is the DWC or Deep Water Culture. It involves growing plants above water, ensuring that their roots are hanging down in the water itself. It is usually setup by using foams, where the plants are situated, and there are holes from which their roots can pass through to the water. DWC is one of the most commonly used for commercial purposes.

As for choosing the right Aquaponics fish - there are many species from which you can choose from. One major factor that you need to consider is the climate, and available supplies. For example, the Barramundi fish can be kept for warmer climates. They have a clean, and soothing organic taste. Usually, you can buy mature Barramundi, then let it grow in your Aquaponics system to have a large and bountiful harvest in the end of the season. Another specie, the Catfish- can be easily grown, and requires less maintenance. They have a good food conversion ratio, making it a great catch for Aquaponics business.

There are some challenging species, like the Carp, because they have a hard time in adapting in their environment. Also, you need to obtain special permits for growing carps, so this will be an added burden. Nevertheless, because of their great structure, and demand all over Asia, some Aquaponics experts still manage to breed this fish. Lastly, is the Tilapia- which is the second most cultured fish in the world. It can withstand very poor water conditions, requires less maintenance, and is super fast growing. Most businessmen in Asia grow this fish because they can generate income in a short time only.

G.L. Medina is an aquaponics expert. For more great information on aquaponics fish, visit



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