Adaptation Mechanism of Fisheries in the Perspective of Climate Change

It is important to overcome from the negative impact of climate change on fish biodiversity and production. Otherwise, in one way as environmental balance will be destroyed, in another way our food security will be seriously threatened. We need to take steps for adapting with the changing environment to overcome the negative impact of climatic change. For this purpose, following adaptation techniques can be undertaken-

  1. Though salinity is increasing in coastal region due to climatic change, so steps should be taken to produce saline tolerant fish and fries. Like vetki, bata, porshe etc.
  2. The water body where salinity is increasing, shrimp and crab can be cultivated.
  3. Drought prone area where low rainfall occurs, big fries can be cultivated in the temporary water. For this reason, big fries should be stocked in the locality. Tilapia is much more drought tolerant fish. Koi and deshi magur can also be cultivated in drought prone regions.
  4. In flood prone areas or where more rainfall occurs, the banks of the pond should be raised or surrounded by net so that flood water cannot enter into pond or pond fishes cannot go away.
  5. By raising bank of the ponds in flood prone areas, society based fish fry bank can be established. Fries can be stocked in that pond when flood occurred in that area.
  6. In flood prone areas, fish can be cultivated in cage during flood.
  7. If coastal area is immersed by water after breaking the groyne, stagnant water can be utilized by fish culture with proper planning, fish culture in cage and culture of crab in the affected areas.
  8. Due to increasing temperature of the environment day by day, temperature tolerant fish cultivation and production of their fries can be carried out. For example: Magur, Rui, Shing.
  9. If pond water becomes warm due to increasing temperature, topa hyacinth can be kept on bamboo frame making in few specific locations. Thus, fish can take shelter under topa hyacinth to protect itself from warm. For maintaining same purpose, some creeper plants can be given opportunity for generating on water nearer to bank of the pond.
  10. Roaming area for sea fish is changing due to climatic changes.


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