How to Cultivate Rose

Rose is called the queen of flower. Rose is being cultivated in the many lands of Bangladesh and cultivation is increasing day by day. Rose is contributing to our economy.

Varieties: There are numerous varieties of rose throughout the world. Some of these varieties are big, some are bushy, and some are prostrate. Based on the varietal characters, rose may be of white, red, yellow, orange, pink and mixed colors. Besides, queen alizabeth (Pink), black prince (black), Irani (pink), mirinda (red), double colored flower aykkachar are cultivated.

Propagation: Based on the situation, rose can be propagated by cutting, grafting, layering and budding. To develop new variety, seedlings can be raised by producing seeds.

Land Selection: Selection of land having fertile loamy soil is good for rose cultivation. In high places without shade where there is no incidence of water stagnancy, rose grows well.
Land Preparation: The selected land should be made friable and leveled by 4- 5 ploughings and laddering�s. Then, beds having size of 3m � 1mand 5 cm of height have to be prepared. After making beds this way, pits having size 60cm � 60 cm and 45 cm depth have to be prepared. The upper and lower surface soil of the pit should be kept separately. Before 15 days of seedling transplanting, pits should be made and kept open. In the mean-time, the micro- organisms and insects die.

Fertilizer Application: Mixing the fertilizers mentioned in the table with the upper surface soil of each pit should be put in the pit. The mixing 5 kg decomposed cow dung, 5 kg decomposed leaf and 500 g ash with lower surface soil of the pit should be put on the upper surface. Thus the fertilizer is kept for 15- 20 days by filling up the pits; the fertilizers will be decomposed and be suitable for planting. The canals have to be made so that the rain water does not store at the base of the plants in rainy season.

Planting of Seedlings or Cuttings: The suitable time for planting seedlings is Ashwin. But if planting continues up to Poush, seedlings should be planted in the smaller pit prepared at the centre of the pit of the bed. At first after de-potting of the seedlings from the polythene bags or earthen tubs, the weak branches, diseased roots etc. have to be cut. After planting seedlings, soil has to be pressed at the base of the seedlings. The seedling should be tied to a stick after planting. It is ought to supply water at the base of the seedling after planting. It is better to take measures to provide shade for 2- 3 days.

Cultural Operations

  1. Weed Control: There are many weeds grow in the beds of rose. Weeds have to be uprooted.
  2. Irrigation: Considering the soil moisture, irrigation should be provided such way that there is no moisture deficit in soil.
  3. Drainage: It is not ought to allow water stagnancy in the beds of rose. Because rose plants cannot tolerate water stagnancy.
  4. Prunning: The new branch of rose bears larger numbers of flower. For that reason, it is necessary to prune old and diseased branches. If rose plants are pruned each year, structure of the plants becomes nice and strong, and blooms a large numbers of large sized flower.
  5. Dis budding: Some times after pruning, there grow a large numbers of leaf buds and flower buds. If all the buds are allowed to bloom, the flower size becomes not so large. For that reason, to allow blooming large sized flower, the side flower buds have to be cut with a sharp knife keeping the middle original flower bud.

Management of Insects and Mites

  1. Red Scale: This insect looks almost like dead skin. The infestation of this insect is higher at hot in the rainy season. This insect sucks juice from the bark of the plants. Consequently, small black spots are found the bark. If there is no control measure for this, infested plants die. By brushing the infested area with brush, if the number of plants is low, this insect can be controlled. This insect can be controlled by applying Malathion or Diazinon.
  2. Beetle Insects: The infestation of this insect is found in winter. This insect bores and eats the young leaves and sepals of flowers. Generally, this insect infests at night. This insect can be controlled by light trap. This insect can be controlled by broadcasting Malathion or Dimecron.

Disease Management: Rose plants are infested by many diseases. Among these, black spot disease, die- back and powdery mildew are the main.

  1. Black Spot Disease: It is a fungal disease. The black round spots are found on the leaves of the infested plants. The leaves on the infested plants fall down and the plants become leafless. The infestation of this disease occurs in the month from Chaitra to Kartik. To control this disease, the balanced fertilizers have to be applied. Care has to be taken not stagnant water at the base of the plants. Beside, this disease can be controlled by applying fungicides. The infested leaves should be cut and burnt.
  2. Die-back: The cut end of the plants after pruning is infested by this disease. On infestation of this disease, the branch or stem are being started to die by becoming black in color from the top to the bottom. This symptom gradually reaches to the roots through the stem and the entire plant die. To control this disease, the infested branch or stem should be cut at the considerable below the infested part and be burnt. The branches should be pruned by wiping the knife used for pruning with antiseptic. The cut end has to be wiped with spirit.
  3. Powdery Mildew: It is a fungal disease. This disease is dispersed in winter during fog. The white powder is found on leaf, young flower and bud if infested by this disease. Consequently bud becomes damaged without blooming. To control this disease, the infested twig or leaf has to be plucked and burnt. Beside, Thiovit or Sulphur Dithane M- 45 mixing with water and spraying once per week can be controlled this disease.

Plucking of Flower: Before blooming flowers, you should be plucked from the plants. After collecting, Deeping the lower portion of petiole in water and keeping them under shade they can be kept well. It is better to spray water on flowers occasionally.


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