Influence of Climate on Crop Production in Bangladesh

From the beginning of the creation of the earth, the climate is being changed gradually; thereby getting suitable for animals and plants to survive. The trend of this climate change was very slow. But a remarkable change in climate is being noticed in many countries of the world for the last century. Climate change due to increase in temperature has been created an unfavorable condition in nature. The developed world is responsible for this change. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing due to urbanization, mechanical civilization, industrialization, injudicious use of fuel and coal, deforestation etc. For that reason, world temperature is increasing day by day. Now- a- days, Bangladesh is identified as the most affected and hazardous country in the world. Human Development of the United Nations (2007- 08) said that seven core people of Bangladesh will be affected due to climate change. Due to geographical location and geo-natural characteristics, Bangladesh is one of the hazardous countries from the past. It was said in the report of IPCC (Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change) that due to climate change-
  1. The average annual temperature during 1985- 1998 has increased 10C in the month of May and 0.50C in the month of November.
  2. Salinity has been found in the 8 lac 30 thousand hectares of land in Bangladesh.
  3. Average rainfall has increased in Bangladesh. There were floods in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2007, i.e., has increased the number of severe flood.
  4. The number of cyclones in the Bay of Bengal has increased.
  5. The saline sea water has entered up to 100 km inside the country through the rivers in summer.

Considering the environment and production factors of the country, the most affected and hazardous sector due to climate change is agriculture. The various unfavorable conditions may be created in the country due to climate change; such as-
  1. Very high temperature in summer.
  2. Irregular and untime rainfall. 
  3. High rainfall within short time, consequently water stagnancy and land slide.
  4. Low rainfall in dry season.
  5. Increase in severity and number of flood.
  6. Crop damage due to sudden flood and drought.
  7. Excessive cool and hot.
  8. Increase of lands under salinity and soil erosion in the coastal regions.
  9. Increase of the intensity and number of cyclones and tidal surge.
  10. Fog, hailstorm etc.


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