What are the Rules for Tree Falling?

Tree is our very valuable national resource. Though it is necessary to plant tree for economic need, for the same reason tree felling may be necessary. Generally tree felling is performed after the completion of plant�s life cycle. But there is an exception for those plants which are used for beautification and environmental conservation. Tree felling and wood collection are very important aspect. For this purpose, it is necessary to know various methodologies. After cutting plant, if it is not used as pillar, it should be sawn and should be assembled wood of necessary amount. Thereafter seasoning is necessary to increase the longevity of wood. Proper processing is also necessary to increase the longevity of bamboo. In this condition, by seasoning wood or bamboo, their quality and longevity can be increased.

Time of Tree Felling or Time of Rotation
The duration from seedling plantation to maximum growth of the tree when it attains maturity and becomes usable is called time tree felling. Tree felling before maturity does not produce good quality wood. In forest management, the time of tree felling is divided into three categories, such as-

  1. Short time of rotation: The plants whose wood is soft and fast growing, used in producing fuel wood, livestock feed and pulp, their time of felling is short. Generally, these trees are cut at 10- 20 years of rotation. For example, Akasmoni, Shimul, Telikadam, Kaora, Bain, Babla, Jhao, Ipil-ipil etc.
  2. Medium time of rotation: The plant species which produce partially hard wood and are used to prepare pillars or wood belong to this time rotation. They are cut in 20- 30 years of rotation. For example, Gamar, Shishu, Mango, Karao, Khayer, Bakul, Haritoki, Chhatian, Chandan, Rendi karai or Rain tree etc.
  3. Long time of rotation: The slow growing plant species producing hard wood are used to prepare only wood are cut in 40- 50 year of rotation. For example, Segun, Garjan, Sal, Jarul, Shilkarai, Mehgoni, Telsur, Chapalis, Jackfruit, blackberry etc.

Rules for Tree Felling:

  1. The tree may be cut at near the soil level as close as possible. Because the base of the tree is always more thick and have more quality wood. Cutting of tree at 10 cm above the soil can produce maximum quality of wood.
  2. Before felling, the branches of the tree should be cleaned. Thus the felling of tree can be controlled.
  3. The tree should always be cut with saw. Thus, the loss of wood can completely be controlled. At first the direction towards which the tree has to be felled, cutting with saw should be on that side. A wedge should be inserted in the cut part and thereafter cutting should be performed at the opposite side. Consequently the tree will be felled at the desired side.
  4. The cut tree after felling on the soil should be cut into pieces. But the measurement will depend on the uses of the wood. The round piece is called log. The log is brought to the saw mill and be made usable by sawing. The sawn wood has length, breadth and thickness. The sawn wood having length more than 15 cm and thickness 4 cm is called wood sheets or takta.
  5. At first the two- third portion of the tree should be cut 10 cm above the soil toward direction of felling tree. Thereafter, cutting should be 10 cm just above this cut. Cutting trees this way tree is possible at the desired side. Consequently nearby trees are less affected. It is very easy to cut trees using an axe/saw or both.


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