
What are the Various Breed in American Class

In American class there are 13 breed. These breeds are produced in America and as a result it is called as American class. This class was created by the cross breeding of small hardy hen from Mediterranean to large size Asian cock. In bellow the American class�s characteristics are given � Its foot is bald. Its earlobe is red color. It was used for both egg and meat. Its skin color is yellow. Its eggshell color is brown. It is in middle size. Some of American class�s breed is given below A. Plymouth Rock: It is a favorite breed in America. Because, in one hand it produce huge meet on the other hand it also produce huge number of meet. It has a trend of Eel. It was originated in the Plymouth city in America in 1865. It has also three varieties. General characteristic of Plymouth Its body is long and wide. It has one Jhuti in their head. Its earlobe is red color. Its skin color is yellow. Its eggshell color is brown. It can produce 100-150 egg per year. One adult cock is 4.3 k.g. and on...

Influence of Climate on Crop Production in Bangladesh

From the beginning of the creation of the earth, the climate is being changed gradually; thereby getting suitable for animals and plants to survive. The trend of this climate change was very slow. But a remarkable change in climate is being noticed in many countries of the world for the last century. Climate change due to increase in temperature has been created an unfavorable condition in nature. The developed world is responsible for this change. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing due to urbanization, mechanical civilization, industrialization, injudicious use of fuel and coal, deforestation etc. For that reason, world temperature is increasing day by day. Now- a- days, Bangladesh is identified as the most affected and hazardous country in the world. Human Development of the United Nations (2007- 08) said that seven core people of Bangladesh will be affected due to climate change. Due to geographical location and geo-natural characteristics, Banglad...

What are the Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries Sector

Fisheries sector plays an important role to meet up the nutritional requirement, create employment opportunity, earn foreign currency that means overall economic development of Bangladesh. Bangladesh possesses third position in the world for collecting fish from internal water bodies and possesses fifth position for culturing fish. There is about 4.7 million hectare area of internal open and closed water body including river, canal-beel, haor, pond, lake, tidal area etc. in this country. Moreover, there is wide sea area of 1 lakh 66 thousand square kilometer. Presently, fish production from these water bodies is not sufficient as compared with its area. More production can be possible from them. Presently (2010-2011), fish production in this country is about 30.60 metric ton and target production is 34.78 metric ton up to the year of 2012-2013. Although, fish production in this country has gradually been increased for last few years, and it is increased due to fish culture. But, natura...

Adaptation Mechanisms of Crops in Response to Climate Change

Adaptation Mechanisms of Crops We know that to survive in unfavorable environment, plant adjust themselves by different physiological and bio- chemical changes. The technique of this adjustment is known as adaptation. Based on the knowledge about adaptation mechanisms of crops, the agricultural scientists have been developed various crop varieties which are suitable to be cultivated under unfavorable condition. We shall discuss the adaptation mechanisms of crops to drought, salinity, submergence or flood etc. unfavorable or adverse environment in this chapter. A. Adaptation mechanisms of crops to drought We have learnt about drought in previous. There is a lack of moisture in soil, low water vapor in air, high temperature and high intensity of sunlight under drought condition. In this condition crop plants survive through drought escaping and drought prevention. 1. Drought escaping : The easiest way of adaptation of crops in drought is drought escaping. The completion of life cycle dur...

Adaptation Mechanism of Fisheries in the Perspective of Climate Change

It is important to overcome from the negative impact of climate change on fish biodiversity and production. Otherwise, in one way as environmental balance will be destroyed, in another way our food security will be seriously threatened. We need to take steps for adapting with the changing environment to overcome the negative impact of climatic change. For this purpose, following adaptation techniques can be undertaken- Though salinity is increasing in coastal region due to climatic change, so steps should be taken to produce saline tolerant fish and fries. Like vetki, bata, porshe etc. The water body where salinity is increasing, shrimp and crab can be cultivated. Drought prone area where low rainfall occurs, big fries can be cultivated in the temporary water. For this reason, big fries should be stocked in the locality. Tilapia is much more drought tolerant fish. Koi and deshi magur can also be cultivated in drought prone regions. In flood prone areas or where more rainfall occurs, th...

What are the Effects of Climate Change on Livestock and Poultry

Effect of Climate Change on Livestock and PoultryGlobal temperature and destruction of environment caused by human being is one of the reasons for climate change. Our country is regularly affected by different natural disasters. The disasters are attacking on different countries regularly due to climatic change. Livestock and poultry are greatly affected by various natural disasters like heavy tsunami, sea cyclone, tornado, flood and drought. For this reason, farm owner or farmers do not get economic benefit. For recovering this loss in some extent, several steps should be taken during and after the disaster. Considering the fact of natural disaster in Bangladesh, protection and awareness should be raised up against sea cyclone, tornado, flood, drought, mountain rain, excessive rainfall etc. By this time, sal forest of Barendra region, Patnitola and Najipur forest of Rajshahi have beenextinct. As a result, extreme drought occurs in this region. Except reestablishment of those forest ar...

Adaptation Mechanism in Livestock for the Perspective of Climate Change

Adaptation involves the technique to adapt of a species with its environment. It should be remembered that adaptation process is accomplished in animal body. Animal adaptation is controlled by environmental weather and climate. So, adaptation depends on environmental temperature, humidity, wind blowing and its properties, height of the place from the sea level and physical structure & physical condition of animal. Animal can survive by facing those properties of adaptation. It is the normal phenomenon of nature. Although human being can protect them by their knowledge if suddenly massive climatic change occurs, but livestock and poultry cannot be adapted in that situation. Because livestock and poultry are helpless and gentle animal. Many of them are to be able to adapt with the environment if the climatic change is occurred slowly in that area. Many species may also be extinct due to unable to adapt with environment. People�s help is required for animal adaptation in unfavorable a...